Welcome to the Kyume Grotto!

Kyumes are a closed species that were created by Crimson_Nixeon on IG, but are now owned by HannahRose. This species is a closed RPG meaning you cannot make your own without a myo. Adopts are usually available as well. If you don't have a kyume or a myo, don't worry! We have a beginner myo prompt to start you off!The premise for this species is that they were created to help their companions though difficult times to provide emotional support and understanding.

Everything you need in one spot!

From lore to MYO prices and our RPG prompts, everything you need right here!


Every single Kyume NPC and their roles

Dragon, creator of all kyumes, lives deep in the grotto caves.

First kyume, caretaker of Mother, not on the kyume council

Mayor of the grotto, head of the grotto council, part of the first set of kyume "twins"

Shopkeeper, the other twin from the first kyume twins, also on the kyume council, gives Katrina advice

Librarian, also on the council, takes care of fresh kyumes and teaches them what to do

Alchemist, maker of all kyume stone items, also on the council

Doctor, appointed by Katrina as the main doctor at the suggestion of Leopold, part of the council

Postmaster, runs the post office and delivers letters, on the council

Runs the kyume cafe, helps kyumes with companion assignments, on the council

Runs the bank, on the council

Runs the saloon, will assist with getting your kyumes ready for their journey, on the council

Rustle's steed, his flatwave, not on the council

Sells the knock-off items and causes general mayhem, not on the council, Leopold's enemy

Kyume Rancher, not part of the council yet. Comes from the Gen 1 Sanctuary and thus is a gen 1 kyume.

Cera's Halo Tumbler, not on the council.

Leader of the Gen 1 Sancuary, not on the grotto council.

Traveling assistant, can create portals that work with your kyume's companion compass. These portals can assist with traversing through dimensions if your kyume's companion is not in Spirotest (the larger world the kyumes live in)
Not on the council currently.

Magic teacher, will teach your kyume how to strengthen their magical abilities as well as helping them find their special ability. Not on the council.

Grotto map

All companionless and new kyumes live in the grotto! It's basically a safe haven for them while they wait for companion assignments. In the grotto there's tons of amenities to keep them comfortable during their stay such as a library, city call, the cafe and the saloon! Plus a few others. The map down below is a rough idea of the grotto's areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a kyume?
A kyume is a magical creature that was created by a dragon-like entity called The Mother. These creatures were created for her comfort and companionship, but she’s since created enough that they can go out and be companions to other species outside the grotto. Passenger is her personal kyume companion. This species was created by Crimson_Nixeon and owned by Liminal-Alienzz.
How do you use MYOs?
Myos or Make-Your-Owns are tickets that allow you to make your own kyume! Each ticket has a different tier ranging from common-legendary. Common myos only allow for common traits whereas legendary myos allow any trait from common to legendary. The same concept goes for uncommon myos and rare ones. These kyumes will need to be approved by an admin before they are considered legitimate.
How is "kyume" pronounced?
Kyoom, Kyoo-may, or kyoo-me
What is a mutation potion and how many mutations can you use on one kyume?
Mutation potions are an item that would give a kyume a trait they wouldn’t otherwise have! They work in tandem with a myo and are NOT a myo ticket. For lore reasons you can have up to 6 mutations per kyume, any more and there’s an increased chance of chronic illness.
What are seasonal traits/tickets?
A seasonal ticket is a special item that can be used in tandem with a regular myo ticket, or as a myo ticket in and of itself. It gives your kyume special traits depending on the season, such as water parts for the summer or snowy wings for the winter. These traits are locked to the season you’re in unless you’re buying a custom or adopt from an admin/guest artist.
What are chronic illnesses?
Chronic illnesses are what they sound like, continual incurable illnesses for kyumes. They range from sun allergy to being totally deaf to having permanent amnesia. There are guides for what we have available as chronic illnesses.
Do you need an item to give your kyume a chronic illness?
You do not, these are not considered traits.
Where do I submit my kyume to the masterlist and where can I view it?
Please refer to the welcome tab for the link to the ML and world.
How tall are kyumes?
Between 6 inches to 1 foot tall normally, but with a mutation potion can be up to 3 feet tall. Gen 1 kyumes are always 3 feet tall.
What kinds of companions can kyumes have?
Any kind from humans to MLP characters, only requirements are human-like sentience so no feral animals! While kyumes do have their own world they are not limited to it unless you’re specifically setting your kyume into the grotto.
What do I do if the kyume I bought is voided?
Kyumes can be voided for any reason, due to the owner requesting it or the owner being banned. You will know if a kyume is voided due to it not being on the ML, to unvoid a kyume you will need to DM the owner (Either LiminalWave or HannahRose) with proof of purchase and a request to have it added back to the world.
How does the frozen sapphire work?
This item gives your kyume an alt form, if you have a normal kyume it'll allow them to have a naga body, centaur body, or a mermaid body, and vice versa for all the other forms..
How does the Golden Opal work?
If your kyume has this it will allow them to shapeshift into kyumes they know extremely well. This item has to have the consent of the other kyume otherwise it will not work.
How do Holiday seasonal traits work?
Any of the holiday based seasonal traits can be use during the whole month they appear in.
This isn't effected by you hemisphere.
For example
Christmas traits can be used during all of December
What do I do if I wanna despecies my kyume?
If you want to do any despeciesing a kyume for any reason all you need to do is to remove them from the world and if they have any kyume related tags to remove those


shadow._.melon (crybbyscar, sofea, ThisIsChaos): Scamming, causing issues with staff.

zhacarypipx (kamikazedoodle, kazzemeru, kamiimeru, gnatolea.tcommunity, mxnto.aqx, ponytownshortinfo, supdoodling, Shintayooo, sleylinspecies, llaxsters.cave, miinwerspecies, alika.pencilz, rannorudo, hudaypencilz1, zpalt): Caught ripping off designs from other species for their own species, started stalking an admin with alts.

Raya_Raven (C0smickitten, XKamiyama): Blocking staff, claiming knock-off kyumes she made are voided kyumes.

Darksoulskullz (JackalJokerKai) posting NSFW in the 13+ kyume server.

Staff information

Owner Lim
Co-owner Jinx
Admin Hannah
Admin Ave
Official artist Hare

Lore info

Kyumes were created by a dragon-like entity called "The Mother" back before the 1600 witch trials. They were created to be companions to magicians as well as just the general public and are meant to help with negative emotions via absorbing them when their companion is in distress. Otherwise they are just like lifelong companions. Kyumes are almost completely immortal though they can be killed, but if left to exist on their own they live for centuries!
During the Witch Trials, Mother went into hiding with her kyumes due to persecution and a manhunt on kyumes being deemed evil and satanic for their magical properties. The kyumes that followed created a society in the cave systems known as The Grotto, which is where they live in between companions or if they're retired.There are three separate generations of kyumes, gen 1, 2, and 3. Gens 2 and 3 are available through normal myos, Gen 1 are only available through gen 1 myos, which are obtained through monthly giveaways and events.Gen 1: These are the first kyumes made by Mother. The first not completely scraped kyume was Passenger. They are characterized as tall and mischievous, but over all friendly. Their max height being 3 feet. There aren't many of these kyumes but they are strong buggers. They typical have a disliking of the more restrictive rules that where not introduce by Passenger themselves...
These kyumes live in a separate grotto, with the remaining Gen 1 kyumes from before the witch trials hiding and thriving. Recently they have been reunited with the Gen 2 and 3 kyumes, as well as mother, which has been cause for much more celebration. They still live in this separate grotto but now travel between both grottos has been established for all kyumes!
Gen 2: These kyumes where made after morher went and found to find a safer home for kyumes. These kyumes are much smaller and what are what most people know of as kyumes. They have a max height of 1 foot. They are know to be supper friendly. This Gen is know for be companions. This is due to the fact kyumes where not aloud to leave the Grotto without having a companion for safety. They kinda just go with the flow. They where devastated though when the first Gen 2 kyume was killed.Gen 3: No one really knows what's going on with them. There are a few things though. Most kyumes agree this Gen begins at the 100 year decent of the old leader. The biggest difference as of now with these kyumes is the fact they like staying in the Grotto,and have made the place a lot more comfortable. It is also now a lot more explored.

Fresh Kyumes
Kyumes don't have an inftant stage, they're all created fully grown. Kyumes that are new from the Mother's cave are called "Fresh" and have no knowledge of the world they are created into! The library is where they learn how to do their companion job as well as getting and customizing their own masks.
Masks are very personal to kyumes, and they don't actually choose their own mask type, they get the one they are most drawn to. Due to masks being extremely personal to kyumes, it's highly discouraged to do anything that would destroy it unless absolutely needed. Kyumes wear masks to make their companions comfortable with their eye-less appearances. Kyumes with object heads typically don't get masks.

Familial bonds
Since kyumes are created by Mother, they don't have the ability to reproduce themselves asexually or sexually. In the case of kyumes who want families they take on fresh kyumes under their care until they're completely ready to be on their own. Even afterward they still consider each other families and will often live together in between companions.
Kyumes can have 1 or multiple kyume partners, and even have little marriage services where they swap masks as a sign of lifelong partnerships, normally these are the kyumes who adopt fresh ones, but single parent kyumes also exist.

Kyumes don't have a digestive tract but they still need to eat! Kyumes can eat most any food and all of it is used to replenish their magic stores in their body. In special cases, kyumes with chronic illnesses need to eat sugar in order to keep their illness managable.
Kyumes in the grotto have their own cafe, saloon, and other smaller stand up shops to buy their favorite foods and drinks!

Sleep Habits and Power
Sleep is another way to rejuvenate a kyume's magic but it's not as effective as food. Kyumes still need it though and depending on a variety of factors they can either be night owls or early birds and everything in between!
All kyumes have at least one magical power, it can be elemental or something silly, so long as it's appropriate the possibilities are endless. While it is rare, some kyumes are created without any magical capabilities at all but they hide that fact due to an NPC that will actively go out of their way to hurt them.

Extra information
Kyumes can be assigned companions by visiting the saloon and filling out an application. Most kyumes have to wait awhile for a good match, but some get their companion match right away! It all depends on the kyume and what they're looking for. If kyumes are companions to creatures outside of their main world (spirotest) they will be sent to speak with someone in regards to opening a portal to where they need to go.
Kyumes who decide to be life partners (or polycules) will have a mask switching ceremony that's similar to a wedding.Unfortunately there are such things as kyumes who are not allowed to have companions for how they look, generally the rule is nothing that would scare the general public. Thankfully this is a rare occurance as the kyume has to be a total abomination in terms of looks to be banned.The Mother has provided a companion stone that will tell kyumes what their perfect companions would be, it's speculated to be a swirl stone but no one is sure.Traits used to be distributed with differing chances that you'll be able to get something considered "rare" or "legendary" by Mother since she was very concerned about the safety of her kyumes. Now that Gen 1 has been found and brought home she has been celebrating by giving all new kyumes an equal chance to have different features that they would have otherwise needed to eat trait treats for!
(Traits that would have been anything other than common are now allowed to be used using a base myo ticket rather than having to get different tickets to unlock more traits!)

Kyumes traits!

All the traits kyumes can have, including seasonal and mutations!

Kyumes creation guide

Base traits
Base traits are exactly what they sound like, typical kyume traits that most if not all kyumes have.
Base traits vary in looks, and used to have rarity tiers. As of December 2023 we no longer have rarities for the base traits.
Mutations are either given by the mother herself or are added on by mutation potions.
Kyumes cannot have more than 6 mutations at a time due to fear of causing chronic illness.
Seasonal traits
Seasonal traits are also given to a kyume by the mother or they can be added on via Seasonal ticket.
Seasonal traits depend on the season the kyume is in, so if it's summer they will have a pick of summer traits, if it's winter then it'll be the winter ones. This will vary depending on the hemisphere you are in

Kyume anatomy

Differences between the generations

Gen 1
Gen 1 kyumes come from the Gen 1 sanctuary, they are 3 ft tall and are generally more lanky looking. Instead of the tall mutation they have a short mutation so they can be the size of a gen 2 or 3 kyume. They are all ancient. Unless they have been reunited with Mother or traded with a gen 2/3 kyume they will not have more modern looking traits generally.
Gen 2
Gen 2 is the second generation that came after Mother hid them from Witch Hunters during the witch trials. They are between 6in-1ft tall and can have the tall mutation that will give them the ability to be up to 2 ft tall. They are thicker and more bottom heavy than gens 1 and 3.
Gen 3
Gen 3 is a happy medium of both gens 1 and 2, they stand between 1.5ft and 2ft tall. They are lankier than gen 2 but thicker than gen 1. They have access to both the tall and short mutations and can be made as tall as a gen 1 or as short as a gen 2.

How to use false eyes

False eyes
No doubt you have seen the "false eyes" on a kyume art piece and wondered what the heck they were since kyumes do not have eyes. They are used as an optional visual indicator for kyume expressions and to see where a kyume is looking in an art piece.
That being said they are very common for people to draw so here is a guide on how they work!Please note that when you are submitting a kyume for approval they are NOT allowed to have false eyes on the ref since they could be confused for eyes and may not be approved!

Base traits!

These are all the traits you can use with the base traits myo!

K-coin info!

What are they for?

They are alternative currency to real money you can use to buy commissions, kyumes, and kyume items!

How do you get them?

PayPal can be converted into k-coins, $1=100 k-coins. This cannot be converted the other way around.
Joining kyume events/raffles/contests will usually net some amount of k-coins!
If you're in the discord there are certain commands that will net you coins every day!

Item prices and information

$1 = 100 k-coins


Kyume myo- 2000 k-coins ($20)


Seasonal ticket- 1800 k-coins ($18)
Mutation potion- 100 k-coins ($1)
Knock-off mutation potion- 50 k-coins (50 cents)
Ditionals- 250 k-coins ($2.50)
Dupe Ditionals- 125 k-coins ($1.25)

Kyume edit items

Paintbrush- 200 k-coins ($2)
Rejuvenation bite- 200 k-coins ($2)
Rejuvenation treat- 400 k-coins ($4)
Switcharoonies- 300 k-coins ($3)

Kyume stones (heavily controlled)

Swirl stone- 2000 k-coins ($20)
Frozen Sapphire- 2500 k-coins ($25)
Golden Opal- 2500 k-coins ($25)
Vine emerald- 2500 k-coins ($25)
Chaos Opal- 3000 k-coins ($30)
Cursed sapphire- 3000 k-coins ($30)
Inferno ruby- 3500 k-coins ($35)

Event only items

Gen 1 myo (also obtainable through monthly myo raffle)
Ultimate Mutation potion (also obtainable through monthly myo raffle)
Ultimate seasonal ticket (also obtainable through monthly myo raffle)

How to use

MYO placeholders


These are all the mutations you can use!! Only 6 per kyume unless you have the super mutation potion then you can have 10, but with the chance of a chronic illness.
All art shown here is by static._.nothings on IG

3+ eye holes
Unique ears
Object head
Fluffy, Scales
Plush skin
Buggy antenna
Googly eyes
Frilled mask
Glowing parts

Clawed feet
Doll body
Glass parts filled w/liquid
Snail shell
Mixed traits

Jelly parts
Mechanical parts
Unique tail
Object growth
Extra limbs
Hooved legs
Hooved arms

Seasonal traits!

These traits will unlock depending on the time of year it is and your hemisphere unless you have the ultimate seasonal ticket!

Color key

General seasonal traits (available all year)
Animal mask
"Loosely inspired by an animal"
Shifting skin
"Changes color of the skin as a whole that's most commonly is due to season change"
Shifting body parts
"Changes color of the skin but only certain parts that's most commonly is due to season change"
Shifting nature parts
"some parts of a kyume are plant like and change through the season
Ex: green leaves, fall leaves, no leaves, flowers"
Shifting coat
"big fluffy coat in the winter shorter coat in the summer. Only works if there fur somewhere on kyume."
Shifting cloud parts
"changes as the weather outside does in most cases but can be different depent on circumstance. Can be used as a weapon"
Shifting Fireworks
"Color change most commonly due to seasonal change. Firework temperatures is controlled by the kyume"

Halloween traits
One eyed mask
"The one eye can ofcourse can be any shape and can be placed anywhere on the mask"
Halloween candy object head
"do not eat"
Bone arms
"Bone arms are claw farms unless mixed"
Bone legs
"Bone legs are thin legs unless mixed"
Demon tail
"Demon tail can be altered to be different as long as still identifiable as specifically demon tail"
Monster tail pet
"Level of sentience and functions will vary"
Bone tail
"Still can bleed"
Claw tail
"Is a claw hand unless mixed and can be used just like an exart arm"
Bone wings
"Can be feathered or have fingers"
Candygore parts
"Is not typically very accurate to how anatomy should function"

Fall traits
Leaf mask
"Made completely out of make material but can either look like one big leaf or a bunch of smaller ones"
Lantern berry object head
"Can actually show amounts of splits unlike most objects heads"
Quill leg
"Able to write with leg if the kyumehas a source of liquid outside or inside"
Leaf tail
"Can be any kind of leaf including fictional"
Mushroom tail
"Can be any type of mushroom and any shape of mushroom as well"
Quill tail
"Can't write with this tail but kyume with this tail like other fancy feather kyumes can be a bit of a showoffsh"
Lantern tail
"The lanter can be changed into being a infernal touch lantern and can be any kind of lantern which can have different types of attachments to the body"
Scarecrow tail
"Can be droped to distract someone like a gecko tail"
Mushroom wings
"Most commonly look like walk mushrooms"
Fire core
Can either have a shell like lantern casing for the inside or is a hollowed out cavity that can sit either a candle, lanter, or a campfire"
Mushroom head
"Dose give the kyume a mushroom capon the head and skirt on the neck"
Candle horns
"Take the looks of normal hornsbut candles and can also be carved into funky shapes"
Leaf parts
"Parts of the kyume become leaf"

Christmas traits
Ornament mask
"Cute ornaments of all kinds of shapes hang off the mask"
Jingle bell mask
"Jingle bells that dangle from the mask"
Present mask
"Mask looks like a little gift!! The bow is stiff and sturdy as it's made of mask material"
String light mask
"Lights strung along the mask. Kyume can turn the lights off and on"
Ornament object head
"Head is in the shape of a funky little ornament. Chang come in all kinds of shapes. within reason"
Present object head
"Head becomes a gift wrapped box. Don't recommend opening"
Jingle bell object head
"One of the few heads that can change look from the amount of spilts. Holes can be silly shapes."
Present tail
"Can hide things in the box"
Bow tail
"Can be any kind of gift bow"
Ornament tail
"The tail is strong enough to hang from"
Jingle bell tail
"Tail can jingle and is only the jingle bell shape"
Christmas tree tail
"The tree does not need to be decorated"
Garland tail
"Is not fluffy. Tree garlands are not made of fur"
Candycane wings
"If big enough can fly. Kyumes wings function by magic not logic"

New years traits
Light up mask
"Can be all kinds of shapes"
Party popper masks
"They can make poping sounds"
Sparkler mask
"Never run out of sparkler on the head"
Ball drop object head
"Can be changed to fit different new years stuff as specific orange twig and leaf for Florida or as broad as it have a hole punched though it to look a moon for lunar new year"
Sparkler arms
"Can differ with how much the sparkler goes up the arm"
Sparkler legs
"If the kyume can move quickly will spark"
Sparkler tail
"Can be multiple sparklers"
Firework canon tail
"Can make a really loud boom sound!! Also can shoot a high powered fireball"
Party popper tail
"Can shoot confetti"
Rock candy tail
"Can be used as a club"
Firework wings
"These kind of wings are immune to any kind of damage"
"Space like dust that can appear on the kyume"
"All fireworks/sparkler can turn on and off"

Winter traits
Ice mask
"Has most properties of ice like biging cold while still being mask material. Biggest different is not being able to mealt"
Object head snow globe
"Can be based on all knids of globes not just winter"
Scarf arms
"Must be a long scarf that dose connect at the neck"
Mintin arms
"Mittens are the whole arm not just the hand"
Scarf tail
"Does not have bones"
Snowflake wings
"Either can be a huge snowflake or a cluster of snowflakes"
"Can shed like normal antlers but not always will"
Reindeer ears
"Only reindeer the species not just any deer"
Fur hood
"Furry hood that sometimes can look like a silly animals"
Snowy parts
"Parts of the kyume are made of snow but only melts if wanted. Easily regrown if snow is added"
Icey parts
"Parts of the kyume are made of ice but only melts if wanted. Easily regrown if ice is added"

Valentine's traits
Arrow mask
"False arrow made of mask material. Kyume is not actually getting stabbed"
Heart mask
"The mask is made of bunches of hearts"
Heart candy arms
"Despite being candy the arms are as sturdy as normal arms"
Heart candy tail
"The candy tail charm at the end can be a variety of shapes"
Heart tail
"Can be a broken heart"
Heart wings
"Wing flaps sound like a heartbeat"
Outside Heart
"It is the real heart and is very strong"
Heart hood
"There are bones here"
Heart ear fins
"Ear fins in the shape of a cute heart shape"
"Can be inspired by all kinds of halos"

Spring traits
Flower mask
"Mask material that looks like any kind of flower"
Wood mask
"Still mask material despite looking just like wood and having false leaves"
Wooden arms
"Is made of wood. Be careful about fire"
Wooden legs
"Can regrow just slowly"
Flower tail
"Dose make the kyum smell like the flower inculcating corpse flowers :3"
Snail tail
"Easily regrow and boneless"
Flower wings
"Can be all kinds of flowers or similar for example pitcher plants"
Branch wings
"Will continuously grow so may need to trim to size"
Petal ears
"Can be all kinds of petals"
Leaf hood
"Similar to fur hood but with leaves"
Snail anthea
"Can be based on any kind of snail or slug anthea"

April Fools traits
Spring eye mask
"Eye can be poped back into place but not for long"
Clown wool mask
"Similar to sheep wool. It sits on top of the mask material like fluffy mask"
Dunce mask
"Looks like a paper craft but it straight mask material like horn mask so it can stab. Can also be curled like a horn"
Clown nose mask
"Made out of mask material so sturdy but still makes a nosie when squeaked"
5+ split
"The more the merrier"
Clown arms
"The glove is the hand and can be all kinds of gloves"
Clown feet
"The shoe is the foot and causes the Kyume to walk more plantigrade due to foot shape"
Clown horn tail
"Dose make nosie"
Clown tuft tail
"Can store endless stuff can be stored in the tail"
Balloon tail
"Can be all kinds of balloons"
No ear fins
Clown tuft body
"Similar to sheep's wool"

Easter traits
Easter bunny mask
"Closer to what a bunny looks like but still not and can have different ear shapes. Eggs hang off the mask"
Easter bilby mask
"Closer to what a bilby looks like but still not. Eggs hang off the mask"
Easter chick mask
"Closer to what a chick looks like but still not and can have a comb. Eggs hang off the mask"
Easter egg mask
"The mask has fasle eggs off a mask"
Peeps Mask
"The mask has fasle peeps off a mask"
Easter egg object head
"The egg can come in all kinds of looks"
Bunny chocolate tail
"Ears can be different"
Bibly chocolate tail
"Sentience is questionable"
Basket tail
"Stores endless amount of items but the last is displayed on top"
Easter egg tail
"Egg is very hard to break but can heal over time"
Egg ears
"Egg can't mold"
"Holds endless amount of items"
Egg spines
"A eggcellent alternative to normal scaley spines"
Object glass parts
"Turns parts of the body into hollow glass that hold objects on the inside."

Summer Traits
Shell mask
"A mask that takes up the shape of any shell"
Bowl object head
"A bowl with any little critter(s) inside. Only the the ones with the kyume originally can live happily in such a space. Critter can be taken in and out as wanted"
Tentacle arms
"Regrow quickly and suction cups are functional"
Crustacean arms
"Do regrow and pack a strong pinch and punch
Frog arms
"besides being webbed they also help climb walls"
Frog legs
"Dose what the arms do plus really high jumps"
Shell tail
"Shaped like any shell but unble to hide in like snail shell mutation"
Fish lure tail
"Can be made from all kinds of things as long as it's based of of some kind of lure"
Sea slug tail
"Can be any kind of sea slug and will include the poison if existence"
Tentacle tail
"Is ofcourse percentile and possibly poisonous"
Palm tree tail
"Can be all kinds of the tree including the deadly coconut"
Volcano tail
"Will not be hot enough to harm with lava or smoke unless makes it otherwise"
Sea Shell wings
"Kyume still can't hide in either shell here too"
Manta wings
"Must connect to arms, back, and a little bit of the tail"
Mermaid body
"Makes the bottom have be any kind of sea animal unless it has true legs"
"Angler can be different shapes but always glows"
"Help the kyume breathe underwater if they can't already"
Fish fins
"Can be any fish but a shark fin on the back after and incident"
Liquid body parts
"Liquid is free to roam outside of a glass casing. Dose not blend with normal liquids"

Creation Rules and TOS

Creation Rules
No making a kyume without a MYO.
No using any markings that look sexual or would be racist.
Don't heavily reference another user's kyume for yours, you will be asked to redo them.
Seasonal tickets will follow whatever season you're currently in, unless you're using an ultimate seasonal ticket which will unlock every season.
No more than 6 mutations per kyume, unless using an ultimate mutation ticket which will allow you to have 10.
Follow the anatomy guide and kyume lore.
You MUST list what generation your kyume is when making a myo, especially with the tall mutation.

Kyumes must be on the ML to be considered legitimate.
Kyumes must be on toyhouse so they can be added on the ML. If you do not have toyhouse we can provide you with a toyhouse code.
Do not remove them from the ML.
Don't sell kyumes to anyone on the blacklist, if it is accidental we will give a warning. Intentionally selling to anyone on the blacklist will result in a ban.
Check the seller's TOS and abide by those.
No selling for more than originally worth unless art is added.
Raffle and contest kyumes are worth $0 until art is added, they are only for trade until the art worth is added in.
Kyumes are not allowed to be sold on amino, this is due to rampant character theft.
The kyume's traits must be in the toyhouse for resale purposes.
Use the tags kyumespecies, kyumes, or kyume so we can see their art!.
Do not post anything about kyumes to TikTok! We're a small community and don't want to get unneeded hate directed towards us.

Halo Tumblers!

Halo Tumblers are new to the grotto, they originated in the First Gen Sanctuary and once contact was made with the First Gen kyumes, they were eventually brought over when Cera the rancher came to see flatwaves!They are used primarily for construction, and stand at 4 ft tall. Characterized by their bony neck frill, digging claws, and club tails, they can also roll up into balls to sleep or smash into walls!This species is also used as a rideable species outside of construction, especially during the summer months when flatwaves go into the deep caves to breed.

Magic info!
Here is the information for kyume magic and magical items!

Chronic Illnesses
Here is the information for kyume chronic illnesses. These are open-traited and do not require items to add to your kyumes!
When adding a chronic illness to your kyume please note you can only add ONE illness per kyume.


This is a species used primarily for getting around, they come in two variants which are terrestrial and Aquatic. They came about due to the inherent magical nature of the grotto, but were not created by Mother. Instead, these already existed in the grotto streams and rivers, and only recently has a subspecies become terrestrial! Aquatic ones are smaller at 3 ft tall, where as the newly evolved terrestrial ones stand at 4 ft tall. Kyumes who go to get a flatwave do not get to choose their own, rather, the flatwave chooses them instead! To do this, kyumes will go to the ranch and wait to see who comes up and accepts them as their rider.During the summer months, flatwaves are a closed species due to them going into the deep caves of the grotto to breed, so from June 1st -September 1st they are considered closed.Terrestrial flatwaves are the newer of the two species, learning how to breathe air and fly, they grew extra bones in their wings to allow them to stand on the ground, as well as a specialized hump on their back that kyumes can stick a saddle on to ride.Aquatic flatwaves are the older variant, and much more squishy. Kyumes who own aquatic flatwaves don't ride them like the terrestrial ones are ridden. Instead, there are two antenna-like growths on their head that kyumes will hold onto while getting pulled around! These growths are specialized for this purpose and holding/pulling on them does not hurt the flatwave.All flatwaves are lighter on their bellies and darker on their backs! They can have any colors/patterns so long as that is followed.


Claebies are pottery / stone based service aids to help your kyume in every day life.
Either it be emotional assistance or a seeing-eye helper, you’re able to get your kyume a companion.